Welcome to Carnegie Vanguard High School's award-winning dance team! The purpose of the Carnegie Dance Team is to bring together Carnegie students with the love of dance and give them an opportunity to express their passion through technical training and development of skills, performances, and competitions. We specialize in jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and pom styles.
Throughout the year, we showcase our routines at various events, including our spring show and several competitions. Some of our awards include: team and officer first place routines, choreography awards, sweepstakes awards, super sweepstakes awards, and top placement in solos and duets. Our team is student-led and many of our dances are student choreographed.
2023 - Present: Mrs. Miyuki Scott
2022 - 2023: Mrs. Colleen Schmidt
2019 - 2022: Ms. Amalia L. Masiglat
2023 - 2024
Audrey Kim & Emma Silverman, Co-Captains
Lindsay Huynh & Yuki Nakada, Senior Directors
Laila Payne & Jae Bi, Co-Lieutenants
Catherine Hu & Ella Pham & Lilly Logue, Co-Majors
Esha Bhavsar & Jenny Dietz, Social Officers
2022 - 2023
Audrey Kim & Emma Silverman, Co-Captains
Ryan Garcia, Senior Director
Lindsay Huynh & Yuki Nakada, Co-Lieutenants
Catherine Hu & Laila Payne, Co-Majors
Esha Bhavsar & Sophia Singley, Social Officers2021 - 2022
Caitlin Liman & Ryan Garcia, Co-Captains
Bailey Silverman, Senior Director
Lindsay Huynh, Lieutenant
Emma Silverman, Co-Lieutenant
Audrey Kim, Major
Yuki Nakada, Co-Major
Zahra Tibary, Webmaster
Jiya Ghorpade, Treasurer
Emma Kim, Secretary2020 - 2021
Shelby Colvin, Captain
Ethan Warren, Co-Captain
Miriam Yampuler, Senior Director
Ryan Garcia, Hip-Hop Lieutenant
Sofia Fernandez-Weir, Modern Lieutenant
Caitlin Liman, Major
Divya Shukla, Secretary
Bailey Silverman, Treasurer
Esmeralda Nuño, Historian2019 - 2020
Miriam Yampuler, Captain
Shelby Colvin, Lieutenant
Ethan Warren, Co-Lieutenant
Evelyn Fung, Major
Divya Shukla, Treasurer
Ryan Garcia, Historian
Adelynn Rubio, 10
Anabelle Horande, 12
Audrey Kim, 12
Catherine Hu, 11
Charlie Smith, 10
Ella Pham, 11
Emma Silverman, 12
Esha Bhavsar, 11
Jae Bi, 11
Jenny Dietz, 11
Jillianne Lantanea, 10
Kaitlin Doan, 9
Kristin Tsai, 10
Laila Payne, 11
Lila Mathuria, 9
Lilly Logue, 10
Lindsay Huynh, 12
Maliha Arain, 9
Mari Sakai, 10
Neha Ravi, 9
Pranavi Kamarapu, 12
Rishveda Shinoj, 9
Sabrina Vega, 9
Shiloh Ngumbu, 9
Sophia Singley, 12
Sophie Geurts, 12
Yuki Nakada, 122022 - 2023
Anabelle Horande, 11
Audrey Kim, 11
Catherine Hu, 10
Charlie Smith, 9
Ella Pham, 10
Emma Silverman, 11
Esha Bhavsar, 10
Isabella Acevedo, 9
Jae Bi, 10
Jeffery Bui, 11
Jelsie Lazcano-Rodriguez, 11
Jenny Dietz, 10
Jessica Ton, 11
Kristin Tsai, 9
Laila Payne, 10
Lillian Logue, 9
Lindsay Huynh, 11
Mari Sakai, 9
Melissa Daurenova,11
Navi Kamarapu, 11
Prakrati Shenoy, 10
Price Fotso, 11
Ryan Garcia, 12
Sophia Singley, 11
Sophie Geurts, 11
Taylor Hok, 11
Yuki Nakada, 112021 - 2022
Anabelle Horande, 10
Audrey Kim, 10
Bailey Silverman, 12
Barbara Butali, 11
Caitlin Liman, 11
Catherine Hu, 9
Ella Pham, 9
Emma Kim, 12
Emma Silverman, 10
Esha Bhavsar, 9
Ethan Warren, 12
Isabella Hur, 9
Jeffrey Bui, 10
Jelsie Lazcano-Rodriguez, 10
Jenny Dietz, 9
Jessica Ton, 10
Jiya Ghorpade, 12
Laila Payne, 9
Leela Rajagopal, 9
Lindsay Huynh, 10
Melissa Daurenova, 10
Price Fotso, 10
Romi Bobovnikov, 10
Ryan Garcia, 11
Scarlett Sandoval, 10
Sharon Vera, 11
Siena Rodrigues, 10
Sofia Fernadez-Weir, 12
Sophia Singley, 10
Sophie Espinosa, 9
Sophie Geurts, 10
Stephanie Torres, 11
Tatiana Quiceno, 11
Taylor Hok, 10
Tinsley Collins, 9
Yuki Nakada, 10
Zahra Tibary, 122020 - 2021
Aakarsha Saridey, 12
Aashi Sharma, 12
Alisa Zhao, 9
Audrey Kim, 9
Bailey Silverman, 11
Caitlin Liman, 10
Chloe Ogundolie, 10
Divya Shukla, 11
Emma Kim, 11
Emma Silverman, 9
Esmeralda Nuno, 11
Ethan Warren, 11
Jiya Ghorpade, 11
Kaydence Lin, 11
Lindsay Huynh, 9
Melissa Daurenova, 9
Miriam Yampuler, 12
Ryan Garcia, 10
Shelby Colvin, 12
Shelby Yang, 11
Sofia Fernandez-Weir, 11
Sophia Singley, 9
Talia Moghnieh, 10
Yuki Nakada, 9
Zahra Tibary, 112019-2020
Aakarsha Saridey, 11
Aashi Sharma, 11
Bailey Silverman, 10
Caitlin Liman, 9
Carol Wallace, 9
Divya Shukla, 10
Esmeralda Nuno, 10
Ethan Warren, 10
Evelyn Fung, 11
Jiya Ghorpade, 10
Hannah Pham, 11
Miriam Yampuler, 11
Rena Nakada, 11
Ryan Garcia, 9
Shelby Colvin, 11
Shelby Yang, 10
Sofia Fernandez-Weir, 10
Stephanie Torres, 9
Zahra Tibary, 10
The Team performing Pom at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
The Dance Officers performing Officer Novelty at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
Team Jazz at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
Dancers striking a pose during Team Jazz at CPD State (March 2023)
Lindsay Huynh performing her solo at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
Emma Silverman performing her solo at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
Audrey Kim performing her solo at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
The Dance Officers performing Officer Pom at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
The Team posing after performing Team Hip Hop at the CPD State competition (March 2023)
Audrey Kim and Emma Silverman performing their duet at State (March 2023)
The Dance Officers performing Officer Pom at the CPD State Competition (March 2023)
The Team at awards after the CPD State competition (March 2023)
The Team performing Large Hip Hop at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
Lindsay Huynh performing her solo at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
Emma Silverman performing her solo at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
Laila Payne performing her solo at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
The Team performing Large Contemporary at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
The Team performing Large Jazz at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
The Dance Officers performing Officer Jazz at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
The Dance Officers performing Officer Jazz at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
The Medium Ensemble performing Small Group Hip Hop at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
The Dance Officers performing officer pom at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
Lindsay Huynh performing her solo en pointe at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
Emma Silverman performing her solo at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
The Team performing Large Contemporary at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
The Team performing Large Hip Hop at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
The Small Ensemble, Hallelujah, as performed at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
Yuki Nakada and Lindsay Huynh performing Officer Hip Hop at the CPD South Houston Showcase. (February 2022)
The Team performing our Large Hip Hop Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (1) (January 2022)
Caitlin Liman and Ryan Garcia performing Officer Hip Hop at the MA HISD Competition. (February 2022)
The Dance Officers performing their Officer Pom Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (1) (January 2022)
The Dance Officers performing their Officer Pom Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (2) (January 2022)
The Dance Officers performing their Officer Hip Hop Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (1) (January 2022)
The Dance Officers performing their Officer Hip Hop Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (2) (January 2022)
Esha Bhavsar, Sophie Espinosa, Isabella Hur, and Ella Pham performing their routine, "Hallelujah." (January 2022)
The Team performing our Large Contemporary Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (1) (January 2022)
The Team performing our Large Contemporary Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (2) (January 2022)
Audrey Kim performing her solo routine at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
The Team performing our Large Hip Hop Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (2) (January 2022)
Lindsay Huynh performing her solo routine at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
Emma Silverman performing her solo routine at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
The ending pose of our Team Jazz Routine as performed at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
A Glimpse of the Team Jazz Routine at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
Emma Silverman and Lindsay Huynh doing split leaps at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
The Dance Officers showcasing their flexibility at the MA Classic Competition. (January 2022)
Audrey Kim and Laila Payne doing fouette turns. (October 2021)
Lindsay Huynh demonstrating a portion of her choreography. (October 2021)
The team rehearsing our large contemporary routine. (October 2021)
The team stretching at the beginning of practice. (October 2021)
The team learning our large contemporary routine. (October 2021)
Emma Silverman teaching large jazz. (October 2021)
Some of the team rehearsing large contemporary. (October 2021)
The team rehearsing large hip-hop. (September 2021)